Useful Links


The Louvre Museum

The MET, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City

The National Endowment for the Arts

World Wide Arts Resources


College Board Online the site for SAT and ACT registration, prep, and information.

Comprehensive list of MOOC providers  a list from Techno Duet with links to organizations that provide Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on a variety of subjects and topics. A great website for creating MLA bibliography citations, you can create an account and save your titles and create the entire work cited page from here.

Financial Aid Info on FAFSA, Scholarships, and other financial aid issues.

Peterson's: College guides, advice, test prep, essay prep

Princeton Review SAT, ACT, etc prep courses.

U.S. News and World Report Online Education Page rankings for colleges, grad schools, etc.


All Music

Common Sense Media reviews of movies, music, video games and websites with real information about language, violence, sex, and other things of concern to parents and families.

Entertainment Weekly Online

Hulu Streaming TV and movies

Internet Movie Database A comprehensive and exhaustive list of movies, actors, directors, etc. 


Health and Fitness

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Institutes of Health

New England Journal of Medicine




Suffolk Libraries Care Career counseling, outreach, programming ideas and other resources for Suffolk County Librarians to assist job seeking patrons.

Libraries & Librarians

658point8 Practical Marketing for Public Libraries Just like the title says.  A great blog with great marketing tips to help librarians get the word out there about all the great things we do.

Library as Incubator Project a great site devoted to helping libraries and artist connect.  Focusing on how libraries can become incubators for the arts and artists.  Lots of articles about what's going on at other libraries.  Great project ideas and possibilities.

Public Topical articles and links.

First Tuesdays  Webinars provided by Washington State Library on a variety of topics on first Tuesdays.  Archives are available for those of us who work on Tuesdays.

SCLA Listserv how-tos The SCLA Listserv is a beautiful thing, but so easy to forget how it works. Two ways to get there:

I Need a Library Job Resource Center and blog.  Excellent source for librarians in need of work, encouragement, or sympathy.

Local History

NY Heritage Free access to digital collections with information about New York State and New York State History.

Readers' Advisory

Fantastic Fiction has listings for thousands of authors, searchable by author or title.  It includes lists of series and novels in order, great for the patron who wants to know which book came first or what to read next.

Stop You're Killing Me is a fairly exhaustive list of mysteries and thrillers.  The database is searchable by author, sleuth, location, and sleuth's profession.  Each author page includes all the authors titles in order of publication and includes links to author websites.  Suffolk County Reference and Adult Services Devision, Readers' Advisory Blog.

bookateria -- the publishersmarketplace a website by and for publishers listing hot sellers, up and coming books, award winners, etc.

Ready Reference

CIA World Factbook


Fed Stats Government statistics

Information Please

Public Service/Volunteer Opportunities

Corporation for National and Community Service a government clearing house for volunteers and organizations that need volunteers

Habitat for Humanity

The Peace Corps


Ask the Astronomer: Check out this amazing link to send your astronomy questions to the graduate students at Cornell University.  They'll email you back or include your question in their next podcast!  Lots of interesting info and links on the site.  A great spot to recommend to budding astronomers.



Article at PC World re browser navigation



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